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I Will Go at Hartland College is all about
equipping professional missionaries.

Our young people are the future of the Church and they have been called to fulfill a special role in this last generation. As they transition into adulthood, prepare themselves for a career, and seek to discover their life calling we immerse them into a holistic educational experience that is intentional in equipping them to be missionaries.

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), is Christ’s command to His followers. Not that all are called to be ministers or missionaries in the ordinary sense of the term; but all may be workers with Him in giving the “glad tidings” to their fellow men. Education 264

The Lord has called us out from the world that we may be witnesses for his truth; and all through our ranks, young men and women should be trained for positions of usefulness and influence. They are privileged to become missionaries for God; but they cannot be mere novices in education and in their knowledge of the word of God and do justice to the sacred work to which they are appointed. Christian Education 197

Hartland College’s mission is to fulfill this specific call. You can participate in I Will Go at Hartland supporting the Missionary Training Fund that finances the education of youth who commit to at least three years of full-time ministry in the frontlines. You can apply as a volunteer or staff. Or you can enroll into one of our educational programs. These range from 3-month programs to 4-year baccalaureate programs. You can be equipped to be a 21st century professional missionary and entrepreneur!

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