Our High Calling
Dear Friends,
Last weekend we held our Spring Convocation, and it was an eye-opener! We titled it “Missions and Righteousness by Faith.” Our speakers are all closely involved in mission in their spheres, and together they gave us an arresting message that we’d like to share with you.
On Sabbath morning, Dr. Robert Hunsaker, a medical doctor who is also the President of the 1888 Study Committee, gave us part two of his talk on how to witness to non-Christians.

Dr. Hunsaker recounted that when he talks about God with Islamic colleagues, he usually ends with a question: “Does Allah love you?” It’s a question they’ve never considered, so they hedge and say, “Well, He’s merciful. He’s compassionate….”
Dr. Hunsaker repeats the question, then gives an illustration: “If someone breaks into your home and is going to shoot your children would you die for them?” And they say, “Absolutely.” Then he says, “Does God love us like that, that He’s willing to sacrifice Himself for us?” They don’t usually answer, but a seed has been sown.
Dr. Hunsaker told us, “There is only one religious system in which God sacrifices himself for the good of His creation. It doesn’t happen in Buddhism and Hinduism. It doesn’t happen in Islam. Here’s our mission! Essentially all world religions have a dark picture of God.” Then he quoted this from Christ’s Object Lessons:
Our Mission
To equip missionaries to transform the world through Christ.
We are training missionaries to touch people’s lives with God’s love through a biblically based educational program that combines academics with practical service and outreach.
We Envision
Hartland alumni serving in every nation, supporting the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
Our Motto
Educating for Eternity, Serving Today!

“Men are losing their knowledge of [God’s] character.
It has been misunderstood and misinterpreted…. THE LAST RAYS OF MERCIFUL LIGHT, THE LAST MESSAGE OF MERCY TO BE GIVEN TO THE WORLD, IS A REVELATION OF HIS CHARACTER OF LOVE. The children of God are to manifest His glory. In their own life and character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them.” COL 415.3, 5.
Did you realize that? Our end-time mission, our high calling, is to correct the world’s misunderstanding of God as we give the three angels’ messages. Ellen White makes it plain that we’re not just to tell people about Him. We’re also to show Christ’s loving character in our lives through the working of the Holy Spirit. What a huge privilege and responsibility!
Of course, this is not something we can do by our own efforts. It’s why we need the righteousness which can only be ours through faith in Christ’s work for us and in us. When the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into our hearts, it flows out to others and enables us to obey all God’s commandments and counsel. Then we can reflect Him. Then we can successfully fulfill our mission.

As an illustration, Dr. Andi Hunsaker, the President of ASI (Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries), shared the inspiring story of Edward Sutherland and Percy Magan. After receiving the 1888 message of righteousness by faith, they were deeply impressed with the importance of obeying God’s instruction on true education.
They not only implemented reforms at Emmanuel Missionary College (now Andrews University) but started Madison College, Hartland’s model for our Madison 2.0 program. As self-supporting schools like Madison multiplied, ASI was founded. Thousands of people have been blessed through Sutherland and Magan’s commitment to God’s calling.
If we are to show the world Christ’s love, we’ll need to follow His example of practical caring for people.
Pr. Greg Whitsett from the General Conference Office of Adventist Missions gave us a framework for understanding what Jesus did to prepare people to reflect God’s love.

Pr. Whitsett pointed out that Jesus not only won people’s confidence by mingling, sympathizing, and ministering to them before inviting them to follow Him. (See The Ministry of Healing 143) He also cared for them by discipling them, grouping them for ministry, and making sure they were grounded in the truth.
These are all things a missionary must do in order to establish a movement as well as a church. Pr. Whitsett encouraged us all to pray for Jesus’ love for people.

Finally, Pr. Jonathan Nino, the Director of the Oon Jai Foundation, shared lessons from his missionary work in Southeast Asia. Pr. Nino emphasized that learning a people’s culture and worldview will help us to communicate and show them Christ’s love effectively. Even here in our own culture, it’s important to do a lot of listening.
The convocation speakers have reminded us that successful ministry will only happen if we have a close and constant personal connection with Jesus.
Please pray for us as we strive to establish our students in a growing relationship with Christ their righteousness and equip them for mission.
Here’s another way you can help us. We have a continual need for your ongoing support of the Missionary Training Fund (MTF). Currently, we have 17 new applications. Some of them are from young people living in the “10/40 window” where a greater missionary presence is especially needed.
With your help, MTF students will graduate debt-free, able immediately to start working for Jesus in needy places. They will have received scholarships for half the cost of their training at Hartland and will have worked on campus to cover the other half.
With just $546.00 per month, we can sponsor one student. With $196,740 per year, we could sponsor 30 trainee missionaries. Every gift from you, large or small, helps—especially monthly commitments.
Thank you so much for partnering with us to equip young people for their high calling.
Norbert Restrepo,

President, Hartland College