Missionaries are needed in the Middle East
Dear Friends,
I just returned from Istanbul, Turkey, where we prayed and fellowshipped with “Waldensian” missionaries, church leaders, and self-supporting ministry leaders. One of our specific prayer requests was for more missionaries who are willing to commit their lives to service in unentered territories.
Upon my return to Hartland College, I found 17 applications from young people who want to be trained as missionaries. One of the applicants caught my attention because he’s a direct answer to our prayers in Istanbul! Let me share with you who he is.
Rashid is a Seventh-day Adventist young man with a missionary heart who lives as a refugee in a Middle Eastern country. For the last three years, he has been away from his family. He had to leave his home country because of religious persecution.
Rashid earnestly desires to receive a solid Adventist college education based on the three angels’ messages that will equip him with thorough missionary training. His goal is to serve in a Muslim country and in an area where there are no Christians. To achieve his goal, Rashid has applied to Hartland’s Missionary Training Fund program.
Our Mission
To equip missionaries to transform the world through Christ.
We are training missionaries to touch people’s lives with God’s love through a biblically based educational program that combines academics with practical service and outreach.
We Envision
Hartland alumni serving in every nation, supporting the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
Our Motto
Educating for Eternity, Serving Today!

Hartland’s Missionary Training Fund (MTF) is a unique program that allows students to graduate debt-free and go to the mission field immediately after graduation. It fits the urgency of our times!
MTF covers the full cost of tuition, room, and meals ($4,372 per term) for a student who commits to dedicating at least three years to full-time missionary service. Fifty percent of the total cost is covered through the student’s participation in Hartland’s work education program. The other 50% is financed directly from the MTF account.
Through this program, scores of young people have trained at Hartland and gone back to their homelands or other difficult areas to make an impact for the kingdom of God.
Currently, we have 15 MTF students. We also have 17 applicants who have submitted all their paperwork and are just waiting for sponsorship through the MTF fund.
With just $546.00 per month, we can sponsor one student. With $196,740 per year, we could sponsor 30 trainee missionaries. Every donation, large or small, helps—especially monthly commitments.
Your gift WILL make a difference! You can help young people like Rashid to be equipped for missionary service. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We ask that you pray earnestly about partnering with Hartland for missions. Please partner with us now while there is still an opportunity to invest for eternity!
Yours for a finished work,
Norbert Restrepo,

President, Hartland College
A Message from Rashid
“Hartland College is a biblically-based college where I can improve my knowledge of Christianity. Then I can work to spread the facts more effectively in my country with a better understanding and more logical answers.
Since we have restrictions on being a Christian and learning in my country, Hartland can provide me with the freedom to learn health with religious knowledge.
My wish after graduating from Hartland is to go to countries where they need God’s message to reach them. I am now an expert at inviting Muslim people by God’s power.”
Let’s partner to help Rashid and others like him to become powerful workers for God in difficult places.
Hartland Donor Relations | relations@hartland.edu
(540) 672-1995