Mental Health Extension School in Ukraine
New Biblical Psychology Major at Hartland College
Dear Friends,
As another school year ends and our precious graduates head out into a world that needs Jesus, a familiar question comes to our minds: How can we better equip young people to serve?
In recent years, some of our health majors have been moved by people’s need for mental as well as physical healing. They’ve wanted to help, but they’ve had to go elsewhere for in-depth training. The good news is that, starting this fall, they can get it right here!
You may remember that last year we reported on the huge impact our mental health extension school made in Ukraine. In giving it, the instructors learned how to put God into every psychology class. We’re thankful that now we can offer this kind of training in a 4-year bachelor’s degree at Hartland College.
The world is full of humanistic psychological theory and new age “pop psychology” focused on “me and my needs.” Our program will be entirely different. It will be based on a Seventh-day Adventist biblical worldview. Each course will emphasize the integration of the Spirit of Prophecy, the Bible, and science.
Our Mission
To equip missionaries to transform the world through Christ.
We are training missionaries to touch people’s lives with God’s love through a biblically based educational program that combines academics with practical service and outreach.
We Envision
Hartland alumni serving in every nation, supporting the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
Our Motto
Educating for Eternity, Serving Today!

The mental health field presents a unique opportunity for reaching people and demonstrating God’s transforming love. So, like in Ukraine, our program is structured to move from theoretical learning to practical application both in and out of the classroom.
We’ve designed this degree to be pre-professional. It will introduce students to a broad knowledge base in the clinical or counseling field and prepare them for graduate training. Our instructors will all be qualified mental health professionals from various fields of ministry.
We’re excited to get started! Please pray with us that, through this training, many more students can be well equipped for doing missionary work with Jesus.
In His service,

Norbert Restrepo,
President, Hartland College
Please Help Us Train More Missionaries!
We are so grateful for all the donations we’ve received for our Missionary Training Fund (MTF). God uses this fund to make dreams come true for young people who feel called to serve Him but can’t afford training.
MTF covers 50% of the cost of tuition, room, and meals ($5,390 per term) for students who commit to dedicating at least three years to full-time missionary service after graduation. The other 50% is covered through the students’ participation in Hartland’s work education program.
We still have four students that we’ve accepted for the coming school year subject to more funds coming in. We need to have these funds by the beginning of July to give the students time to apply for visas.
If the MTF fund cannot cover them, they will have to wait until next year unless they can find a 50% sponsor.
We ask you to pray about this and contribute whatever you can, monthly if possible. Our new MTF students, including Rashid (whom we spoke of last time), also need prayers that they can get visas to come here.
Your gifts and prayers will make an eternal difference. Thank you!
Hartland Donor Relations |
(540) 672-1995