campers share their PBC 2023 experiences.
campers share their PBC 2023 experiences.


I really enjoyed everything—my classes, the activities, and the campfires, just to name a few. Even the vigorous exercises and the push-ups! Whenever I felt like giving up during a certain exercise, or when I had one last push-up that I didn’t feel like finishing, Mr. Christian would always remind us to be an “Overcomer!” As we learned throughout the week, being an overcomer is succeeding in something that is difficult and defeating or being victorious in a conflict or struggle. That being last year’s theme has really helped me to see the definition of a true overcomer, and that is exactly what I want to be when I am faced with obstacles in my life.
One of my classes was Missionary Pilot Ground School. Although it took lots of lecturing, note-taking, and focusing, it was well worth it! When I signed up, I originally wanted to take the class just for the experience of flying (even though I have a slight fear of heights). But towards the end of camp, it dawned on me that it would actually be really neat to be a missionary pilot! It will definitely be something I will consider from now on, and perhaps one day God will make a way for me if that’s His will.
Not only did I make new friends and learn new skills, but camp also helped me to examine myself in my spiritual walk. Waking up early to do my personal devotions, getting to share my thoughts and hear what everyone else learned, was such a motivation for me. The morning and evening worships also helped me to use my critical thinking skills when studying and analyzing the Bible to gain a deeper understanding, and memorizing Scripture throughout the week caused me to make a better effort to memorize more Scripture at home so that I can hide God’s Word in my heart.
If you are thinking of coming to PBC, I highly encourage you to! It is such an amazing experience. You don’t have to take my word for it. Come to camp to find out for yourself! Lord willing, I’ll see you in June.
Ilana Agbisit
Laura Gallagher
Dear Readers,
Let me begin with introducing myself. My name is Laura Gallagher and I am 13 years old. 2023 was my first year at Piedmont Bible Camp. I have attended Hartland convocations for many years, so I was very familiar with the layout and the staff. I remember thinking that I could not wait until I was old enough to go to camp.
I was a part of the unit named “The Piedmont Peacemakers.” The girls and the counselors were so amazing. The friendships that we formed were so beautiful.
My favorite part of the day was the line call. I will never forget the first line call with Mr. Christian De Los Santos (nicknamed “the push-up man” due to him always having us do push-ups). I don’t think there was a single unit who didn’t have to do pushups that day. Even though we complained about how sore we were, there was something fun about line call. Mr. Christian would share encouraging thoughts at line call that I really appreciated.
I previously thought the Deep Bible Study class would be boring and not fun at all. Contrary to my thoughts, it was interactive, engaging, and most importantly, I grew closer to God. We also studied the Bible to understand how to grasp God’s bigger plan and how to understand the Bible better.
Mr. Christian’s testimony really struck me hard. I realized I needed to take initiative for my own faith. I also realized that everybody struggles with one thing or another, and that I’m not alone. God is always here right beside each and every one of us.
We would end the day together with the campfire. It was so fun. We would kick it off with some of our favorite songs. Then we would play a “Would You Rather…” game with Mr. Christian. The guest speaker was Pastor Christian Martin. We delved into how to become a martus (which translates, “a witness willing to become a martyr”). Those talks really hit me hard. I was forced to ask myself, “Am I a martus? Am I willing to lay down my life for Christ? Am I being a light, a witness to those around me?”
I would encourage all who are thinking of attending Piedmont Bible Camp this year that not only is this camp a blast with others your age, but it is spiritually encouraging. See you then!
Laura Gallagher