Year-end Reflection of Gratitude
Transform Lives this Giving Tuesday with Hartland College

Norbert Restrepo
President of Hartland College
“God’s faithfulness continues to guide this ministry, and I am humbled by what He has accomplished through your prayers and support.”
Training 21st Century Professional Missionaries
Dear Friends,
As we approach the end of 2024, I reflect on a truly unique and inspiring year in my 13 years of service at Hartland College. God’s faithfulness continues to guide this ministry, and I am humbled by what He has accomplished through your prayers and support.
Let me share five key highlights from this year that showcase how our partnership is transforming lives for eternity:
- Inspiring Students
This year, we welcomed 19 new students from China, South Korea, Kenya, Belize, Colombia, Canada, and the United States. These young men and women are committed to being trained as professional missionaries, carrying a zeal for sharing the gospel and winning souls for Christ. - Dedicated Staff
Our team has been blessed with amazing new staff who have joined us in fulfilling God’s mission. Among them are Mr. Edward and Mrs. Nella Pedragosa, who came from serving in Thailand as a family. Mrs. Pedragosa shares,
“We came to Hartland by faith to minister to young people, and we remain by faith to see what God is doing in our lives and in those we came to minister to.”
- Powerful Partnerships
This year, we’ve built impactful collaborations with ministries like Amazing Facts, where our students learn how to reach young people worldwide with spiritual and practical skills. We continue to partner with the Adventist Christian Coaching Alliance and other ministries uniting efforts to hasten Christ’s coming by training a generation ready to serve in God’s vineyard. And we are so grateful for the partnership with the Living Hope School of Evangelism—a ministry led by Pastor Mark Finley and Mrs. Teenie Finley—which is just 55 minutes away from our campus. Pastor Mark Finley and Mrs. Teenie Finley serve as professors for our Summer Outreach School term. Their evangelistic legacy and global experience equip our students for mission service. Pastor Mark affirms,“I have known Hartland for over nine years now. I have been impressed with the administration and staff’s commitment to the Adventist message and ministry. Hartland is a Christ-centered, Bible-based school with a passion for mission. It has a unique role of training self-supporting missionaries from around the world to return to their countries to share Christ’s end-time message. Some of their students have felt called to pastoral ministry and have gone on for further education in our Adventist institutions of higher education. Each summer I have the privilege of partnering with Hartland and teaching an evangelism class at the Living Hope School of Evangelism.”
We are privileged to have Pastor Finley and his wife in this capacity for our students.
- Graduating Debt Free
As a unique feature at Hartland College, we ensure that students can focus on their calling without financial burdens. Through the Missionary Training Fund Loan, students receive up to 50% support for tuition, room, and meals. By pairing this with the Work Education Scholarship, they can graduate debt-free and ready to serve. We ask them for three years of missionary service overseas or in their home country as “repayment.” - Graduates Serving the Lord
This year, five students graduated. One of them is now serving as a pastor in the Michigan Conference. Another graduate is now working full-time at 3ABN. Still another is serving in a country in the 10/40 window, which for security reasons we cannot disclose. They are all serving in different ministries. It is a joy to see them grow and then move on to serve overseas, in their homeland, or at some front-line mission outpost.
Your Opportunity to Make a Lasting Impact
This Giving Tuesday, I invite you to partner with us in equipping these dedicated young people for a lifetime of service. Your gift—whether $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, or any amount God places on your heart—will directly support our student scholarship and missionary training programs.
By supporting Hartland College, you are playing a vital role in hastening Christ’s coming, preparing workers to share the three angels’ messages with the world, and leaving an eternal legacy.
Thank you for your unwavering prayers, encouragement, and financial support. May the Lord richly bless you for your generosity and faithfulness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Norbert Restrepo
President, Hartland College